Albion Everbearing Strawberry Plants
The Albion strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa “Albion”) is a hybrid developed relatively recently in California. It is known for its fruits, which have a uniformly conical shape, bright red color, reliable firmness, and surprisingly sweet taste. Albion strawberry plants grow quickly to about 12 inches (30.5 cm.)
Plants are grown in 4” peat pots that can be planted directly in the ground reducing transplant shock.
Price includes delivery in the City of Riverside.
The Albion strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa “Albion”) is a hybrid developed relatively recently in California. It is known for its fruits, which have a uniformly conical shape, bright red color, reliable firmness, and surprisingly sweet taste. Albion strawberry plants grow quickly to about 12 inches (30.5 cm.)
Plants are grown in 4” peat pots that can be planted directly in the ground reducing transplant shock.
Price includes delivery in the City of Riverside.
The Albion strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa “Albion”) is a hybrid developed relatively recently in California. It is known for its fruits, which have a uniformly conical shape, bright red color, reliable firmness, and surprisingly sweet taste. Albion strawberry plants grow quickly to about 12 inches (30.5 cm.)
Plants are grown in 4” peat pots that can be planted directly in the ground reducing transplant shock.
Price includes delivery in the City of Riverside.